@article{oai:fujijoshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001217, author = {松坂, 裕子 and MATSUSAKA, YUKO}, month = {Dec}, note = {トマトの味と化学成分の関連を明らかにする目的で,施肥条件の著しく異なるトマト,標準施肥(S区),窒素過多(N区),リン酸過多(P区),カルシウム過多(Ca区)の登熟中の化学成分を分析した。1.滴定酸度の変化はどの区でも大差がなかった。2.Ca区の還元糖量は他の3区に比べて低く,還元糖量に対するケトース量の比率も低かった。食味も明らかに劣った。3.L-グルタミン酸はどの区でも登熟に伴って相加したが,γ-アミノ酪酸はS区で減少し,N区,P区で変化が少なく,Ca区で増加した。従って,L-グルタミン酸/γ-アミノ酪酸の比は,S区で登熟に伴う増加が大きかった。食味はS区が一番良好であった。4.トマトの食味には還元糖とL一グルタミン酸/γ-アミノ酪酸の比が関係すると考えられる。, The taste of ripening tomatoes ,at different fertilizations. YUKO MATSUSAKA (Laboratory of Food and Nutrition, Fuji Women's College, Sapporo, Hokkaido 001). Tomatoes, grown at four different fertilizations, were examined for their taste and chemical composition. The tomatoes grown with excess calcium were tasteless and contained less reducing sugars and ketoses than others. L-Glutamic acid in the tomatoes increased during ripening in all cases. In the tomatoes at standard fertilization, which were most delicious, γ-aminobutyric acid decreased during maturation. When there was an excess of nitrogen it decreased only slightly. The ratio of L-glutamic acid to γ-aminobutyric acid in the former was larger than in the latter. The ratio in the tomatoes at excess phosphorus and excess calcium was also smaller than in those at standard fertilization. These results show that reducing sugar contents and the ratio of L-glutamic acid to γ-aminobutyric acid have an effect on the taste of tomatoes., 3, KJ00006968501, 論文}, pages = {35--41}, title = {トマト施肥条件と化学成分}, volume = {23}, year = {1985} }