@article{oai:fujijoshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001539, author = {吾田, 富士子 and AZUTA, Fujiko}, issue = {54}, journal = {藤女子大学人間生活学部紀要, The bulletin of the Faculty of Human Life Sciences, Fuji Women's University}, month = {Mar}, note = {One of the factors for determining nursing quality is the existence of an environment in which childcare is provided. A place where nursing occurs serves not only as an environment for nursing children but also as a working environment for nurses, both of which determine nursing quality. Admittedly, working conditions for nurses in Japan have witnessed gradual improvement,but a major challenge that must be solved remains. What is most important when it comes to improving nursing environments is the awareness of the person serving in the managerial post (that is,the manager),as well as that of the person serving in the middle managerial post who affects the manager (that is, the chief nurse). By paying attention to chief nurses, this paper elucidates factors that can help them creatively surmount challenges as an independent professional in collaboration with a manager and nurses at a place where childcare is provided, and also proposes effective means of training that contribute to the enhancement of nursing quality. While focusing on environmental improvement attempted by a resolute manager and on subsequent changes in nurses’duties, this thesis begins by examining the effect this has had on the improvement of nursing quality. It then identifies factors that help motivate a chief nurse to promote environmental improvement by paying attention to the changing awareness of a chief nurse during training. These factors are as follows:}, pages = {69--79}, title = {保育の質を規定する職場環境と環境改善のための研修のあり方 : 環境改善の試行と研修による主任保育士の意識の変化から}, year = {2017}, yomi = {アズタ, フジコ} }