@article{oai:fujijoshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001543, author = {今野, 邦彦 and 池田, 浩明 and 小川, 透 and KONNO, Kunihiko}, issue = {54}, journal = {藤女子大学人間生活学部紀要, The bulletin of the Faculty of Human Life Sciences, Fuji Women's University}, month = {Mar}, note = {This research, consisting of a summary of questionnaire surveys completed by trainees involved in teaching practice at special needs schools, is the third report followed by those published in 2011 and 2013. The questionnaire form used for this survey was improved to further clarify the awareness of and challenges faced by the trainees involved. The surveys reveal that the trainees derived great satisfaction from teaching practice, identifying communication and interaction with children as the prime reasons.}, pages = {97--103}, title = {特別支援学校の教育実習における学生の意識について(3)教育実習生へのアンケート調査から}, year = {2017}, yomi = {コンノ, クニヒコ and イケダ, ヒロアキ and オガワ, トオル} }