@article{oai:fujijoshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001652, author = {藤井, 義博 and FUJII, YOSHIHIRO}, issue = {55}, journal = {藤女子大学人間生活学部紀要, The bulletin of the Faculty of Human Life Sciences, Fuji Women's University}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study was an effort to clarify in the taleʠSuisen-zuki no yokkaʡwhat meaning the blizzardʠSuisen-zuki no yokkaʡhas for each of the main characters in the tale: the old snow woman, the snow boy and the child wrapped in a red blanket, and to elucidate how the snow boy saves the childʼs life in the blizzard, so as to determine the general relationship between formation of intrinsic reality in a human being and creation of extrinsic reality by god or goddess of nature. For this investigation, the hypothesis had been put forward that Miyazawa Kenji, author of and chef in“The Restaurant of Many Ordersʡ, a collection of tales including the above, ask readers or customers in his restaurant to appreciate intrinsic reality formed in the characters in his tales. Being bottled up inside her own circuits, like Narcissus in Greek mythology, the old snow woman saysʠSuisen-zuki no yokkaʡ, so as to mean nothing but the blizzard itself that she determines to promote here and now. The snow boy takes the old snow womanʼs ʠSuisen-zuki no yokkaʡfor the objective blizzard in the nighttime on the eve of Risshun, the first day of spring or February the 4th in the calendar year. The child wrapped in a red blanket takes the blizzard he encounters for a sleeping time dreaming of homemade candy since falling over in the storm and being covered with lots of quilts of snow. The child survives in the blizzard because of the snow boyʼs penetrating insight, practical knowledge and skilful actions, or cries that generate effective responses from entities in the universe: snow produced instead of spring rain by the big blue fire of the invisible Cassiopeia in response to his cry for bring spring rain, his intention to save the child, which is sensibly concealed from the old snow woman, his correct methods for preventing hypothermia of the child, and responses of both the child and father to his action resulting in the latter finding the former safe and sound covered with snow. The relationship between formation of intrinsic reality and creation of extrinsic reality in the tale can be summarized; upon perceiving or taking account of extrinsic reality, different intrinsic reality is formed in each of the main characters in the tale; extrinsic reality is created based upon intrinsic reality originated in god or goddess of nature, whether it is created directly by the old snow woman, a narcissistic unresponsive goddess of nature or it is created indirectly by entities in the universe that respond to kind actions, or cries of the snow boy, a willing helper god of nature. Intrinsic reality in a human being formed by perception of extrinsic reality can touch intrinsic reality originated in god or goddess of nature, because extrinsic reality is created by intrinsic reality originated in god or goddess of nature. The intrinsic reality in a human being that touches intrinsic reality in god or goddess of nature transcends subjectivity, and thus is equivalent toʠmental sketchʡ, an expression by Miyazawa Kenji for his commonly called tales or poems, which is universal, as he claims, among all the human beings down in their hearts.}, pages = {51--61}, title = {宮澤賢治の童話"水仙月の四日"における雪童子の叫び : 栄養療法の知的枠組についての研究(15)}, year = {2018}, yomi = {フジイ, ヨシヒロ} }