@article{oai:fujijoshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000350, author = {田中, 里佳 and 藤井 義博 and Tanaka, Rika and Fujii Yoshihiro}, month = {Mar}, note = {We run sensory test with SOYA-NO-SHIO, natural salt preserving the minerals of sea water of La Perouse Strait. Our study showed that SOYA-NO-SHIO gave little bitter taste in spite of its amount of sea water minerals including magnesium. SOYA-NO-SHIO gave less salty taste than did refined salt or ISHIGAKI-NO-SHIO, when compared at similar levels of sodium chloride contained. No significant correlation was observed between menstruation and sensitivity of taste with salts. Our results are in compatible with an idea that SOYA-NO-SHIO is natural salt with well-balanced tastes not only good for food seasoning, but also useful with its amount of sea water minerals including potassium and magnesium for prevention or treatment of hypertension., 6, KJ00006093896, 論文, Article}, pages = {35--41}, title = {自然塩の可能性について : 「宗谷の塩」を用いた官能検査}, volume = {46}, year = {2009} }