@article{oai:fujijoshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000403, author = {高橋, 真由美 and TAKAHASHI, Mayumi}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study was aimed at clarifying to various difficulties that may arise for student-teachers at kindergartens with regard to voluntary play. Analysis was performed on reports of problems received from student-teachers at the conclusion of their training. A total of 93 incidents were extracted from reports of problems experienced during free-play. Attention was paid to both the type of play and the factors leading to the problems described. Results showed that there was no relationship between the type of play and the occurrence of difficulties, with difficult situations tending arise regardless of type of play. In addition, the factors related to the occurrence of difficulties included "monopolization by the child" and "repetition of simple play", and it was found that there were some differences in these factors according to the type of play., 22, KJ00007044620}, pages = {183--188}, title = {子どもの遊びを支える保育者の養成 : 自由遊びの援助過程において学生が困難を感じる場面とは}, volume = {48}, year = {2011} }