@article{oai:fujijoshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000413, author = {田中, 宏実 and 岡崎 伸子 and TANAKA, Hiromi and OKAZAKI Nobuko}, month = {Mar}, note = {It is extremely important that a university participates in community improvement. However, among the many published reports, the great majority come from architectural/design universities. Therefore, we examined the possibility of universities specializing in the life science participating more in this research in the future. The aim of this study was, through a questionnaire distributed among Fuji University students regarding community improvement, to obtain research material on future methods for implementing community improvement in universities specializing in life science through the investigation of community improvement activities implemented to date. First, we found that students have the desire and ability to undertake a variety of activities based on their areas of expertise. Second, the university requires a system by which engagement in community improvement programs is made easy. Third, it is necessary to make a seemless system of cooperation with the administration toward community improvement., 4, KJ00007823822}, pages = {11--22}, title = {生活科学系大学の地域づくりへの参加に関する考察 : 女子大学生の意識調査および活動実践の検証を通して}, volume = {49}, year = {2012} }