@article{oai:fujijoshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000426, author = {杉浦, 篤子 and SUGIURA, Atsuko}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Department of Early Childhood Care and Education at Fuji Women's University has been providing a playground for children during our university festival every year since 1991. In this age of declining birthrate,this activity offers our students an opportunity to directly interact with children. In addition to this playground, we have been providing another playground where parents and children in the neighborhood can play together. As the need for socially-assisted childcare has increased in recent years, these activities provide a foundation on which we can develop and implement a curriculum to teach childcare assistance. These activities also promote students' independent learning. We will continue to provide these facilities, and examine the history and operation of these activities to date., 17, KJ00007823835}, pages = {155--166}, title = {自主活動としての学内「子ども広場」活動の検証 : 短大保育科・大学保育学科の取り組みを追って}, volume = {49}, year = {2012} }