@article{oai:fujijoshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000430, author = {松浦, 映子 and MATSUURA, Eiko}, month = {Mar}, note = {One hundred and thirty-six years have now passed since our country's first kindergarten was established in 1876 (Meiji 9) by the Tokyo Women's Normal School. Thereafter, among the many records related to the history of childcare to the present, there are extremely few that are related to Hokkaido. In this study, I paid special attention to Kame Nishikawa,a young teacher who worked at Sapporo's first public kindergarten 124 years ago. I examine the life of Ms. Nishikawa from her education at one of the country's highest educational institutions to her contribution to preschool education in Sapporo at a time when school attendance for girls was less than 25%. From there,I examine the constitution of preschool education in Hokkaido and seek to clarify its influence., 21, KJ00007823839}, pages = {195--201}, title = {北海道における明治期の幼児教育 : 札幌の公立幼稚園教師「西川かめ」の生涯から}, volume = {49}, year = {2012} }