@article{oai:fujijoshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000710, author = {鈴木, 真知子 and 池田 浩明 and 広川 律子 and SUZUKI, Machiko and IKEDA Hiroaki and HIROKAWA Ritsuko}, issue = {1}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿では、脳性麻痺者の長期予後について筆者(鈴木)の専門領域である言語障害に焦点をあてて明らかにした。併せて、彼ら自身の障害認識の過程や現状について明らかにした。筆者が、幼少期から現在まで継続して指導し、かつ自発話で意見を述べられる成人脳性麻痺者8名(男5名、女3名)に対し、1. 現在の言語障害の状況について把握すること 2. 自己の言語や運動機能障害をどう覚知し受容しているか、3. 療育の過程、4. 友人・家族・学校などの生活面、学習、友人関係などで体験した様々な困難とその対処方法などについて調査した。調査では、程度の差はさまざまであるが、言語障害や運動機能障害を客観的に認識したうえで受容し、日常の生活では、様々な困難はあるが工夫しつつ、真摯に向き合い努力している姿勢が見られた。今回の面接調査は、対象が限定されており、知的能力が高く、身体的な障害も比較的軽度・中度であること、また、家庭的にも恵まれている人達であり、今後は、面接調査の対象者数及び病型を拡大し検討を加える必要があると考える。, There are only a few reports on the long-term prognoses of the cerebral palsy. Specifically, reports on the self-perception of the person with cerebral palsy are really few. The purpose of this research was to investigate the self-perception of patients with cerebral palsy. The survey was conducted by interviewing with 8 adults with cerebral palsy (male 5, female 3:age 25 to 49), who have been under my consultation for a long time. The items of the interview were the time of the first self-perception of the impairment, the process of rehabilitation till now, and the way of coping with various challenges and difficulties they have faced with in their daily lives, such as communication, study, and relationship with people around them. The survey showed that all the 8 interviewees have been reconcile themselves to the impairment, and have managed to cope with daily difficulties. The result of this survey, however, does not represent the overall views of patients with cerebral palsy, because the interviewees have high intelligence and relatively light or mild physical disabilities. Moreover, they are blessed with good financial state of the family and supportive encouragement from the family members. Therefore,the number of interviewees should be increased and the spastic diplegia should also be surveyed in the future. Lastly, considering the fact that the incidence of athetoid type cerebral palsy has dramatically reduced, thanks to the progress in perinatal medicine, I cannot but feel a profound impression. Lastly, thanks to the advancement of perinatal medicine, recent dramatic reduction of incidence of athetoid type cerebral palsy gives me a deep impression., 12, KJ00008048590, 原著, Article}, pages = {67--75}, title = {言語障害を伴う脳性麻痺者の長期予後に関する研究 (1) : 言語機能と障害認識の面から}, volume = {7}, year = {2012} }