@article{oai:fujijoshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000820, author = {吾田, 富士子 and 大長 司 and AZUTA, Fujiko and DAICHO Tukasa}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this study, we reviewed the history of the Department of Early Childhood Care and Education up to the initiation of the course on "Early Childhood Christian Education" as well as the role that the course has played. We also conducted a survey among students on the phrases from the Bible they would like to pass on to children in the future. The survey results revealed that the students chose phrases that they feel they were moved or encouraged by as well as the phrases that they felt provided guiding principles for life. This indicates that, rather than an understanding of the existence of God or the Christian doctrine, the students' understanding of Christianity comes through a simple sense of the appreciation and prayers that they experience in their daily lives. The most noteworthy result from the survey is that fact that the students are encouraged and saved by these phrases from the Bible and they try to face their difficulties and strive to live as best as they possibly can. Students form their character and grow through the experience of overcoming difficulties in life, and the contemplation of these experiences helps them develop skills with which to aid children form their own characters., 11, KJ00008510349}, pages = {73--87}, title = {「キリスト教保育」の開設と保育学科生の意識 : 子どもに伝えたい聖書の言葉の分析から}, volume = {50}, year = {2013} }