@article{oai:fujijoshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000821, author = {池田, 浩明 and 小川 透 and 武石 詔吾 and IKEDA, Hiroaki and OGAWA Toru and TAKEISHI Shogo}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study aims to reveal the attitude of school principals and supervising teachers towards practice teaching and identify possible areas of improvement in training. The study revealed that the supervising teachers have "a sense of fulfillment" on practice teaching. The study also revealed that the supervising teachers taught student teachers "how to get involved with children", "understand them", and "how to prepare lesson plans". Further, supervising teachers feel that before practice teaching student teachers should study and learn the "teacher's role", the "characteristics of disorders", and "how to prepare lesson plans". The survey conducted among principals of the schools that accept student teachers indicated that they positively evaluate the "attitude" of the student teachers toward the training. However, the principals feel that student teachers should study and learn the "teacher's role", and "how to prepare lesson plans" before practice teaching., 12, KJ00008510350}, pages = {89--93}, title = {特別支援学校における教育実習改善の基礎的研究 (2) : 実習校校長及び教育実習担当指導教員へのアンケート調査から}, volume = {50}, year = {2013} }