@article{oai:fujijoshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000823, author = {山田, りよ子 and 甲斐 仁子 and 大森 隆子 and オムリ 慶子 and 青木 久子 and YAMADA, Riyoko and KAI Kimiko and OHMORI Takako and OMRI Keiko and AOKI Hisako}, month = {Mar}, note = {Since the Meiji era, various educational methods from overseas have been introduced to Japan, implemented, and "adapted" to the country's educational environment. In this study, we examined possible issues that could arise when introducing educational methods developed in different cultures to our country. The purpose of this paper is to find the factors that cause adaptation or changes to the educational methods developed overseas during the localizing process in Japan. In our country, more diversity in education methods and content is called for as well as a quantitative increase in childhood education, but practicing educators seek for improvement in the qualitative side of education. In this study, we aim to present the findings to the educators in Japan for further meaningful consideration as we feel that a wide variety of viewpoints are possible when studying education methods from overseas based on different cultures and ideas. This study, a reconstruction of the symposium from the 65th meeting of the Japan Society of Research on Early Childhood Care and Education, also aims to set a new perspective for further research of this theme. This study comprises of three parts: localization of the Froebel Gifts and children's plays, Italian society in which Montessori education is widespread and the current situation in Japan, and the differences in attitude between the government or management of childcare facilities that introduce foreign educational methods and practicing nursery teachers. We attempt,in this study, to consider the issues around the localization of educational methods from overseas as a matter that affects not only the practicing nursery teachers but the education of nursery teachers, by presenting a wide variety of opinions and ideas from members of the Japan Society of Research on Early Childhood Care and Education based on their own research over many years., 14, KJ00008510352}, pages = {103--117}, title = {外国の教育方法を日本に導入するときの課題と検討 (その1)}, volume = {50}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ヤマダ, リヨコ} }